The move to GDDR6 memory greatly improves overall bandwidth for the RTX 2060 versus the GTX 1060, but the 6GB capacity might not be enough to run textures and other memory-intensive graphics options at maximum settings in all games if you’re playing at 1440p resolution. The only potential minor blemish on the spec sheet: memory capacity. Consider this, then, a roadmap to help navigate the chaos.Here’s a look at the GeForce RTX 2060’s specs, and how they compare against the GTX 1060. “I hope more than anything it's an eye opener and that it starts more of these discussions so that more planning can take place,” says Fitzpatrick.Ĭlimate change is here, and it’s already wreaking havoc. Still, the idea with this new interactive map is to better visualize-both for regular citizens and policymakers-what has previously been presented as impenetrable datasets. A map alone can’t communicate all of that knowledge. It's overly simplifying.” And necessarily so: Climate systems are monumentally complex, though bit by bit scientists are getting a better grasp on how our planet will transform in the time of climate change. “So from a communication perspective, that’s one of the dangers of it. “None of that's being captured by these analogs,” says Andrew Jarvis, a scientist at CGIAR, an agricultural research institute.
So for instance, the recent cold snap on the East Coast was generated by warmer temperatures in the Atlantic. And this is average climate, not weather. To be clear, though, this climate analog technique simplifies things-for instance, the researchers left out complicating factors like the urban heat island effect, in which cities absorb more heat than surrounding rural areas. Which makes reacting to the threat all the more difficult-the Bay Area can anticipate feeling more like Los Angeles in 60 years and adapt accordingly, but if you don’t have a good idea of what’s coming, it’s hard to mitigate against the threat. That is, you can’t compare them to a climate we see today. More frightening still, some of the North American cities that Fitzpatrick explored will have no modern equivalent in 2080. “It’s not necessarily the direct changes in climate, it's these indirect impacts on natural and agricultural systems given the magnitude and rate of these changes.” “That's actually my biggest worry,” says Fitzpatrick. “So we are pursuing a risky experiment with the Earth, with partly unknown consequences.” “Humans might adapt to some extent, and move, but animals and ecosystems won’t be able to in that short time period,” says Swiss Federal Institute of Technology climate scientist Reto Knutti, who wasn’t involved in the study. Certain plant species might not be able to handle the sudden shift and die out. Pests like mosquitos, for example, could boom in your community. But something more subtle will also unfold: As the climate changes, so too will the makeup of local ecosystems. “Los Angeles is far ahead of the Bay Area in terms of having put in place incentives to move away from the more water-intensive outdoor landscaping that we still have even in the progressive Bay Area,” says Michael Kiparsky, director of the Wheeler Water Institute at UC Berkeley, who wasn’t involved with this new work.Ĭhanges in rainfall would have serious implications for agriculture, of course. Rich communities have thrown hissy fits when new water requirements meant their lawns would- gasp-turn brown. The Bay Area, which has been historically blessed with more rainwater than its neighbor down south, hasn't been so forward-thinking. The rain capture program reduces its reliance on water piped into the city from afar. So to prepare, the city has begun an ambitious program to capture those huge dumps of water with a network of cisterns built into road medians. Climate models predict that in the coming decades, LA will see fewer, yet more intense rainstorms. San Francisco could stand to learn some water management techniques from its 2080 analog.